Sunday, 25 October 2009

Alexander Mcqueen Spring 2010 RTW

After reading the reviews of the Alexander Mcqueen Spring 2010 RTW I had to check it out. Describe in a few reviews as being influenced by Star Wars the show is definitely reminiscent of Sci-Fi. The show was titled
Plato's Atlantis and, as states,
"McQueen, according to an internal logic detailed in a press release, was casting an apocalyptic forecast of the future ecological meltdown of the world: Humankind is made up of creatures that evolved from the sea, and we may be heading back to an underwater future as the ice cap dissolves."
The shoes are intense! I looooove them. The first one kind of looks like they have a fin down the front. I am IN LOVE with the second one, loving how industrial it looks....however, I am still in shock that the models didn't tip over though (and by tip over I mean fall on their asses).
Here are some detailed pictures of the show from

Some nice detail shots of the garments. The ruffles on the right seem to be raw edged.
A few full shots.

....Now the hair was very strange. Sort of reminds me of dinosaurs for some reason. Could definitely see any of these in the Star Wars prequels.
Awesome cuff...thing.

A video below (from has a few clips from the show and interviews with show-goers. Enjoy!


  1. It's all so alien, the makeup and the hair... which by the way i have no idea how they keep up. Or how they keep upright in those heels ... the models must truely have jedi powers.

  2. The third pair of shoes remind me of a crab's claw. Is the concept alien? Surely, the world as has been (Dinosaurs) and as is now (Dolphins and Crabs) is still so alien to us in human society that we cannot think of a truely alien world without taking inspiration from our own natural non-alien world.

  3. Oh my gosh, they do look like crab claws!! I didn't even see that! The concept was taken from the concept if Plato's Atlantis. So I think it was thinking of a return to the ocean. It really looks alien though.
    I think it's interesting what you said about taking inspiration from our own natural non-alien world to create another alien world. I believe that's what they did in Star Wars. There was so much within the films that was taken from our own world. Especially in the costumes! A lot of the detailing in the garments were taken from many different cultures and histories from our own world!
